
Issue 1046: 24th May 2024



As I mentioned in a recent edition of Sweyne Park Times, after the half-term break we will be addressing the length of school skirts.

Pupils have been informed of our plan and of the consequences of non-compliance.

As always, we adopt a team approach and all staff have been asked to be proactive in making our expectations explicit. I am hoping that pupils will respond positively and thank you in advance for your support where sanctions may be imposed.

Also, as we enter the final half-term of the academic year, we move to summer uniform, meaning that pupils no longer need to wear a jumper in classrooms or communal areas.

They are, however, still required to tuck their shirts in and wear a school tie in order to maintain high standards.

Congratulations to….

Dr Clements who was officially presented with her doctorate at a prestigious ceremony in London this week. Many of you will know of Dr Clements’ passion for research through the outstanding work she leads here at Sweyne Park through the Higher Project and Extended Project Qualifications.

Our pupils and students are indeed fortunate and could not wish for a better role model.

I am sure you will join me in extending congratulations to Dr Clements on this remarkable achievement.

And Finally….

Have a lovely half-term break and we will look forward to welcoming all our pupils and students back to school at the usual time of 8.35 am on Monday 3rd June.

Southend Wheelers

Places to ride Kid’s cycling coaching May 25th & June 1st

Southend Wheelers coaches will be delivering some more coaching sessions at Hadleigh Park MTB Centre, for children aged between 10-16 years of age on these two dates.

Visit the Club or you can Places are limited. The cost is £5:00 per session (+ booking fee). There are 20 places on each of the two sessions available.

Saturdays May 25th & June 1st
Session times: 09:30 – 11:00 hrs
Venue: Hadleigh Park MTB Centre,
Chapel Lane, Hadleigh SS7 2QH

These sessions will be suitable for children with BMX’s, cyclo cross, gravel or road bikes or mountain bikes. There will be a variety of skills delivered by the coaches, with a progression pathway either to cycling with Southend Wheelers, or the which started in April. There are other superb cycling facilities available in Essex and the Southeast. Parents can download this “What’s next” document to plan a progression pathway.

Parental consent forms are completed as part of the booking process.

Please bring suitable hydration and nutrition for your child, and waterproof clothing if wet.

The Hadleigh Park Hub café will be open for refreshments.

We will be announcing our Summer of Cycling dates and venues soon. These sessions will be free for participants.

What do you do when you're not in school?

We would love to hear about your hobbies, interests and achievements...

If you have any stories and/or photos that you would like to share, please contact us at pupilservices@sweynepark.com

Contact details and personal preferences:

As you are aware we keep confidential records on our systems with parents/carers contact details, ie. addresses, phone numbers, emergency contacts and email addresses. If you have recently made any changes could you contact Pupil Services on: pupilservices@sweynepark.com so we can update our systems please.
We also hold information re your preference for use of pupils’ biometric data and school photos both inside and outside of school. If your preferences have changed, could you make us aware of the change by also emailing Pupil Services.
Thank you in advance.

Next week, the Caterlink menu will be ‘Lunch Week 2’.

Click here to see the menu.